About Us
An official SSM Certified company in Malaysia, providing assistance for assignment, online exams and final year projects. Leading a big group of experience experts in delivering the best quality to our customers. We cover wide range of subjects including marketing, finance, accounting, IT and development, engineering, medical & nursing and more.
Our Services

Struggling with your task?
We checked and proceed according to your assignment requirements. Giving you only the best quality. Done by subject experts. Diploma, degree, Master and PHD. Bring your scores to a next level
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FYP / Thesis
Tired of finding the right article or journal?
Pass it to our experts and get it done with ease. From Chapter 1 to 5, we progress chapter by chapter. Allowing you to understand the work and getting approval from your supervisors. Allowing you to present a decent research paper.
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Online Exams
Worry about failing your paper?
We cover the entire examination from quiz, midterm to final examination. Provide us your tutorial, lecture notes and past year; that’s all you need to do. Giving you a better opportunity to score greater in your CGPA.
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Why Choose Us
There are plenty of business, individual and parties claiming to be assignment helper. However, is everyone of them safe and good? How do you verify it?

SSM Certified
How do I verify whether you are legit?
We are legally registered under SSM. An official company that are operating in Malaysia. Providing you a more secure services.

Low Plagiarism
Will we have plagiarism issue?
For all assignment or online exams, our writers always do it original. Standardly, all work will be done within 5% plagiarism rate and Turnitin report will be provided.

100% Confidential
Can I be caught for using assignment helper?
The answer is NO. We strictly protect all information of our customers which including their contact no. and task done

Unlimited Revision
What if the work is done wrongly?
Can I edit them? YES , we provide unlimited revision to any error or mistakes done by our writer. It is our priority to deliver the best work.

Status Check
How long and when can I receive my work?
Feel free to contact us anytime to get a status check on your work, either in progress or finalizing to keep you updated at all times